Clean Dry Fuels and Oils with High PerformanceThese filter housings are versatile housings designed for use with several different high performance
Aquacon® and other filter cartridges.
Aquacon cartridges filter out water by chemically locking it into layers of super-absorbent media. Water capacity is as much as 11/2 quarts, depending on the specific vessel and cartridge. These cartridges also effectively filter out dirt, rust and other particulates. (See caution, back cover.)
As an
Aquacon cartridge reaches its water-holding limit, the media expands very rapidly and restricts the flow. The pressure drop will rapidly increase, signaling the need to change cartridges.
The VF-61, with ACO series cartridges installed, has become the standard for low flow rate full flow aviation fuel monitor applications.
- Wide variety of applications
- Free and emulsified water to less than 5 ppm
- 1/2 micron particulate removal
- Provides protection against “slugs” of water
- Pressure increase signals cartridge change
Over Pressure ProtectionWhen exposed to a high concentration of water, the differential pressure across an absorbent cartridge (AC, ACO, AD, or ASL Series cartridges) will immediately increase. Pressure bypasses or other means to limit the inlet pressure to 75 psi (5 bar) should be installed to prevent cartridge from collapsing.
Notes:- For aviation and diesel fuel applications, always install a differential pressure gauge or other means of determing differential pressure.
- See Data Sheet for Absorbent cartridge (AC, AD) flow rates.
- See Data Sheet for paper filter (FO) flow rates, synthetic filter (FOS) flow rates.